
Jos? Carlos Santiago

Curador e Facilitador


Abordagens para a sua Sa?de e Bem Estar

Installing VirtualBox 1.6.2 on Puppy 4.0

In order to install VirtualBox 1.6.2 on PuppyLinux 4.0 you must download the following files:

Note: Only for kernel, needs SDL and QT to work.
See: http://www.murga-linux.com/puppy/viewtopic.php?...

virtualbox -1.6.2.pet



How to install VirtualBox 1.6.2

1) Open the browser: Use the browser as package manager.

2) With the browser: Open the file sdl and install it.

3) With the browser: Open the file qt and install it.

4) With the browser: Open the file virtualbox and install it.

The reason to use the browser is that is easier to install - it was the only way I found out to install the above programs.

Using the browser is to simple and it works without any trouble and is faster. I think it will be my package manager on Puppy.


Jos? Carlos Santiago +(351) 93.459.1780 (Rede Uzo/TMN). Se n?o atender, deixe mensagem. Obrigado.
